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点击化学标记蛋白捕获试剂盒Click-&-Go Click Chemistry Capture Kit





Click-&-Go® Click Chemistry Capture 试剂盒为具有叠氮化物或炔烃标记的蛋白质以及相应的点击树脂的研究人员提供了共价捕获标记蛋白质的方法。一旦通过铜催化的点击化学共价连接到树脂上,珠子就可以以的严格性洗涤,几乎消除了任何非特异性结合的蛋白质,从而产生高度富集的目的分子群体。该试剂盒包含特殊配方的组分,既能催化点击标记反应,又能防止与炔烃或叠氮化物改性树脂的非特异性结合。其中对应的富集介质,试剂盒里面不包括需要单独订购。使用者根据自己的实验设计,蛋白标记的基团选择反应对应的琼脂糖。炔基标记的蛋白,选择叠氮脂糖树脂(货号:1038-2),叠氮标记的蛋白,选择炔基琼脂糖树脂(货号:1032-2)。

Product introduction

Click-&-Go® Click Chemistry Capture Kit provides researchers who have proteins labeled with an azide or alkyne and the corresponding click resin with the means to covalently capture labeled proteins. Once covalently attached to the resin via copper catalyzed click chemistry, beads can be washed with highest stringency virtually eliminating any non-specifically bound proteins to yield a highly enriched population of nascent molecules. The kit contains specially formulated components to both catalyze the click labeling reaction and prevent non-specific binding to alkyne- or azide-modified resin*.    * enrichment media is not provided.

Click-&-Go®Click Chemistry Capture Kit provides researchers who have proteins labeled with an azide or alkyne and the corresponding click resin with the means to covalently capture labeled proteins. Once covalently attached to the resin via copper catalyzed click chemistry, beads can be washed with highest stringency virtually eliminating any non-specifically bound proteins to yield a highly enriched population of nascent molecules. The kit contains specially formulated components to both catalyze the click labeling reaction and prevent non-specific binding to alkyne- or azide-modified resin.

Captured proteins can be protease digested to yield a highly pure peptide pool that is ideal for mass spectrometry (e.g., LC MS/MS) based analysis, or release from beads under appropriate cleavage conditions for downstream analysis.

Click-&-Go® Click Chemistry Capture Kit is comparable non-cleavable agarose azide/alkyne, Dde, PC, and disulfide agarose resin.

The biotin-free enrichment improves signal to noise by eliminating nonspecific binding and increasing selectivity, thus improving detection of low abundant proteins. This approach is fully compatible with widely used MS techniques including iTRAC and ICAT.

The biotin-free, covalent capture approach is superior to biotin or lectin based enrichment approaches, and ideal for proteomics, biomarker discovery, posttranslational modification (PTM) analysis, and more.


Schematic representation of pull-down workflows for biotin-streptavidin and Click-&-Go® enrichment Protocols



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