Lumafluor公司的逆向示踪产品RetroBeads™是逆向示踪荧光微球,且也是目前证实有效的示踪微球。该产品的有效性经数百篇从无脊椎动物到哺乳动物实验的研究论文证实,正是靶点科技旗下Proven and Published®服务和产品质量理念的体现。RetroBeads™体内注射高度集中不易扩散,信号强,对活细胞或活体无毒,且存留时间大于一年,与大多顺向示踪剂、原位杂交检测技术、免疫组化技术兼容。
RetroBeads™ from Lumafluor are the original microspheres for retrograde tracing and the only microspheres proven effective where it counts: in your experiments. Green and Red fluorescent RetroBeads™ are available exclusively from Lumafluor.
For Reliable, Robust Retrograde Transport, There's Only One Choice: RetroBeads™ from Lumafluor. Only Retrobeads™ (regular and IX) from Lumafluor have been proven effective by hundreds of published papers in systems ranging from invertebrates to primates, and everything in between. Highly confined injections--superb for detailed connectivity studies. Persist indefinitely (> 1 year!) in living cells, nontoxic. Compatible with most other anterograde tracers, in situ hybridization, and immunohistochemsitry.
RetroBeads™ IX
--deliver bioactive agents (such as neurotrophins and neurotransmitter agonists/antagonists) to localized regions; retrograde transport allows determining which neurons were exposed to the agents [Riddle et al. Nature 378:189, 1995 and Quattrochi et al. Science 245:984, 1989.]
--are specially prepared to facilitate adsorption of proteins and other bioactive compounds.
--are also more effective tracers in primate systems than standard