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更新时间:2024-08-23   点击次数:595次

2024年8月2日,美国斯坦福大学研究团队在《Cancer Discovery》(IF=30.8)上发表了名为“Spatially segregated macrophage populations predict distinct outcomes in colon cancer"的文章。对公共数据库中的scRNA-seq数据集进行分析,结合包括Phencycler-Fusion(PCF)空间单细胞蛋白组等的多种空间技术,深入剖析了肿瘤微环境中的巨噬细胞群体,发现了它们的空间分布与患者临床结果之间的显著关联。这些肿瘤相关巨噬细胞(TAMs)不仅在肿瘤进展中扮演着多重角色,而且其异质性为癌症治疗提供了新的视角。


1、NLRP3+ TAMs和SPP1+ TAMs几乎只存在于结肠肿瘤
2、NLRP3+ TAMs激活NLRP3炎性小体,SPP1+ TAMs清除缺氧肿瘤区域的坏死病灶。
3、高IL4I1+ TAMs预示CRC患者预后良好,而高SPP1+ TAMs预示患者预后不良。




Tumor-associated macrophages are transcriptionally heterogeneous, but the spatial distribution and cell interactions that shape macrophage tissue roles remain poorly characterized. Here, we spatially resolve five distinct human macrophage populations in normal and malignant human breast and colon tissue and reveal their cellular associations. This spatial map reveals that distinct macrophage populations reside in spatially segregated micro-environmental niches with conserved cellular compositions that are repeated across healthy and diseased tissue. We show that IL4I1+ macrophages phagocytose dying cells in areas with high cell turnover and predict good outcome in colon cancer. In contrast, SPP1+ macrophages are enriched in hypoxic and necrotic tumor regions and portend worse outcome in colon cancer. A subset of FOLR2+ macrophages is embedded in plasma cell niches. NLRP3+ macrophages co-localize with neutrophils and activate an inflammasome in tumors. Our findings indicate that a limited number of unique human macrophage niches function as fundamental building blocks in tissue. Significance: This work broadens our understanding of the distinct roles different macrophage populations may exert on cancer growth and reveals potential predictive markers and macrophage population-specific therapy targets.


肿瘤相关巨噬细胞在转录上具有异质性,但塑造巨噬细胞组织角色的空间分布和细胞相互作用仍然难以表征。在这里,我们在空间上解析正常和恶性人类乳房和结肠组织中的五个不同的人类巨噬细胞群,并揭示它们的细胞关联。该空间图揭示了不同的巨噬细胞群存在于空间分离的微环境生态位中,具有保守的细胞组成,这些组成在健康和患病组织中重复出现。我们表明 IL4I1 + 巨噬细胞吞噬细胞更新率高的区域的垂死细胞,并预测结肠癌的良好结果。相比之下,SPP1 + 巨噬细胞富含缺氧和坏死肿瘤区域,预示着结肠癌的结局会更糟。FOLR2 + 巨噬细胞的一个子集嵌入浆细胞生态位中。NLRP3 + 巨噬细胞与中性粒细胞共定位并激活肿瘤中的炎性小体。我们的研究结果表明,有限数量的人类巨噬细胞生态位作为组织的基本组成部分发挥作用。意义: 这项工作拓宽了我们对不同巨噬细胞群可能对癌症生长产生的不同作用的理解,并揭示了潜在的预测标志物和巨噬细胞群特异性治疗靶点。


研究单核巨噬细胞,一种重要手段就是使用Clodronate Liposomes氯膦酸盐脂质体清除剂清除单核巨噬细胞。荷兰Liposoma的巨噬细胞清除剂套装,货号CP-005-005,频频见于顶刊Nature,Science和Cell。清除方案请联系靶点科技。





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