巨噬细胞清除剂Clodronate Liposomes氯膦酸盐脂质体广泛用于体内和体外清除单核巨噬细胞,我们在使用荷兰Liposoma巨噬细胞清除剂时,尽管该产品频频见刊于Cell,Nature和Science。但是巨噬细胞清除剂会不会清除中心粒细胞?很多研究者有这个担心。一方面我们可以在自己的模型里面验证,另一方面,我们也可以参考文献。比如如下这篇JCI的老牌杂志文献,炎性疼痛模型。作者的数据证明:巨噬细胞清除剂Clodronate Liposomes氯膦酸盐脂质体(Liposoma)不会清除中心粒细胞。
论文题目: GPR37 regulates macrophage phagocytosis and resolution of inflammatory pain
期刊名称:J Clin Invest.
Depletion of hindpaw skin macrophages (sMΦ) by systemic injection of clodronate-liposome.
(A) Flow cytometry images showing a reduction of F4/80+ CD11b+ sMΦ in inflamed hind paw skins after intraperitoneal
injections (15 µl/g, 2 and 48 h prior to the zymosan injection) of clodronate-liposome. Right panel, quantification of the
(B) Flow cytometry showing no reduction of Gr1+ CD11b+ neutrophils in inflamed hind paw skins after
clodronate-liposome treatment. Right panel, quantification of the data. n = 3 mice /group, *P<0.05,
clodronate vs. control, #P<0.05, compared with contralateral, ns, not significant. All the data are mean ± SEM.