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肠道巨噬细胞Gut macrophages

更新时间:2023-05-24   点击次数:3470次

肠道巨噬细胞代表了多种的常驻组织巨噬细胞来源 [1, 2]。肠道常驻巨噬细胞是一种重要的免疫群体,能够在其环境中整合和解释不同的食物来源、共生来源、病原体来源和宿主来源的信号。此外,在炎症反应下,BM 衍生的肠道巨噬细胞和常驻巨噬细胞在控制感染中起关键作用。因此,肠道巨噬细胞池的动态调节是长期健康的核心[3]。补充健康肠道中常驻池的 BM 衍生巨噬细胞被确定为 CX3CR1hiMHCIIhiLy6Clow [103],它们在肠道稳态中具有多种关键功能,包括 Treg 扩增、上皮维持、管腔取样和细菌杀灭 [4, 5]。如表 4 所示,肠道和真皮被认为是开放组织,具有快速募集和分化骨髓来源的单核细胞成巨噬细胞的动力学。尽管在出生时,肠道中存在胚胎衍生的巨噬细胞,但这些巨噬细胞被来自大量 CCR2 依赖性 Ly6Chi 单核细胞的细胞所取代[6]。巨噬细胞上的 IL-10 受体信号传导是一种对指导胃肠粘膜中巨噬细胞功能至关重要的途径 [7, 8]。

如何研究肠道巨噬细胞的功能?一个强有力的工具就是清除肠道巨噬细胞。靶点科技库存大量LIPOSOMA的ClodronateLiposomes氯膦酸二钠脂质体。作为授权的中国Exclusive Distributor,无论从产品质量还是技术支持,都能给予从理论到实践的赋能。



1. Hume D, Gordon S. Mononuclear phagocyte system of the mouse defined by immunohistochemical localization of antigen F4/80. Identification of resident macrophages in renal medullary and cortical interstitium and the juxtaglomerular complex. J Exp Med. 1983;157:1704-9
2. Lee S, Starkey P, Gordon S. Quantitative analysis of total macrophage content in adult mouse tissues. Immunochemical studies with monoclonal antibody F4/80. J Exp Med. 1985;161:475-89
3. Grainger J, Konkel J, Zangerle Murray T, Shaw T. Macrophages in gastrointestinal homeostasis and inflammation. Pflugers Arch. 2017;469:527-539
4. Bain C, Scott C, Uronen Hansson H, Gudjonsson S, Jansson O, Grip O, et al. Resident and pro-inflammatory macrophages in the colon represent alternative context-dependent fates of the same Ly6Chi monocyte precursors. Mucosal Immunol. 2013;6:498-510
5. Hadis U, Wahl B, Schulz O, Hardtke Wolenski M, Schippers A, Wagner N, et al. Intestinal tolerance requires gut homing and expansion of FoxP3+ regulatory T cells in the lamina propria. Immunity. 2011;34:237-46
6. Smythies L, Sellers M, Clements R, Mosteller Barnum M, Meng G, Benjamin W, et al. Human intestinal macrophages display profound inflammatory anergy despite avid phagocytic and bacteriocidal activity. J Clin Invest. 2005;115:66-75
7. Bain C, Bravo Blas A, Scott C, Perdiguero E, Geissmann F, Henri S, et al. Constant replenishment from circulating monocytes maintains the macrophage pool in the intestine of adult mice. Nat Immunol. 2014;15:929-937
8. Shouval D, Biswas A, Goettel J, McCann K, Conaway E, Redhu N, et al. Interleukin-10 receptor signaling in innate immune cells regulates mucosal immune tolerance and anti-inflammatory macrophage function. Immunity. 2014;40:706-19
9. Zigmond E, Bernshtein B, Friedlander G, Walker C, Yona S, Kim K, et al. Macrophage-restricted interleukin-10 receptor deficiency, but not IL-10 deficiency, causes severe spontaneous colitis. Immunity. 2014;40:720-33




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